Fall Home Improvement Lists Part 2 – Built-In Storage

Fall is a great time to evaluate what is working in our home and what could be improved. As we are spending more time indoors and preparing for holiday events and guests, it may become more noticeable that we could use more storage options for our belongings. During these busy...

Fall Home Improvement Lists Part 1 – The Kitchen

Fall is a great time to evaluate what is working in our home and what could be improved. Family-focused holidays, spending more time in the kitchen, and inside in general; all these big events and small everyday moments give us the chance to really evaluate where there are obstacles or...

What Makes BHS Different? 

Beautiful Home Services has received many awards and, just recently, even a national honor - but what makes us different than other home remodeling contractors?   Here at Beautiful Home Services, our mission is to create clients out of customers through an honest and transparent process of high-quality home improvements, done by...

Choosing the Right Home Improvement Contractor for Your Project

Home improvement projects come with a lot of questions – Will my project be affordable? How much will this project inconvenience my family and for how long? How do I decide which contractor to choose for my project?   There are several questions you can ask potential contractors during the...

Is it time for a kitchen remodel?

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed a relaxing meal with friends and family!  Now it's December and that means pot lucks, holiday parties, and hopefully spending more time with the people dearest to you. During these busy last few weeks of the year, take a moment to...