Beautiful Home Services is 13!

*We have extended the entry dates for the contest! See new dates below*

We celebrated our 13th birthday last week, but we want to give you the presents! We are sponsoring a photo contest for our current and previous clients, but those of you who haven’t gotten to work with us yet have a chance to win as well.

Current and previous clients can post photos of projects we are working on or have completed to Facebook (on our page or on your public timeline, but we must be tagged – @bhspaints – so we can find your pics!) or to Instagram (use #beautifulhomeservices to tag the photo so we can find it!). All verified submitted photos will be posted in a Facebook album on our page so everyone can vote for their favorite project.

The winning photo will win 4 tickets to a Nationals game (date TBD) and one vote (like) on the winning photo will be chosen at random to win a pair of Nationals tickets (date TBD). So you have a chance to win even if you don’t have a photo to submit!

Here are the details:

– Photos must be of projects we are currently working on or have completed. Photos can be before/after format if you choose, but only one photo should be submitted of each project. Photos will be verified to ensure they are of projects done by Beautiful Home Services, any photos submitted of projects by other companies will not be considered for this contest.

– The deadline to post photos for submission is Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at 5:00 pm EST. Any photos posted after that time will not be considered for the contest.

– Photos will be compiled and posted in a Facebook album post by noon EST on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Be sure to check our page Wednesday afternoon to see the photos and vote for your favorite!

– Please feel free to share the contest with your friends and family to garner votes, but remember, the votes have to be on the individual photo on our page, any votes on your timeline posts (whether the original post or the album post) will not count towards official votes, any votes on the main album post will also not be counted towards an individual photo nor will they be entered in the drawing for votes. You must click like on the photo in the album post on our page for it to be counted as a vote.

– Contest will end at 4:00 pm EST on Monday, May 20, 2019. Any votes cast after that time will not be counted or entered into the drawing.

– The photo with the most votes over 10 will win the grand prize of 4 tickets to a Nationals game (date to be determined by BHS and winner). If no photo garners 10 votes, there will be no winners so share, share, share!

– Once the winning photo has been determined, the name of each person liking (in any form – thumbs up, heart, wow, etc.) the photo will be entered into a random choice generator and one person, randomly chosen, will win 2 tickets to a Nationals game (date to be determined by BHS and the winner).

– Winners will be announced on Facebook on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. Be sure to check our Facebook page and contact us if you are one of the winners!

Any questions? Send an email to

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